by Horst Zoeller, 1996 - 2020, 67th Edition, 22 Nov 2020

Junkers L5 Survivors


Junkers L5
Technikmuseum Hugo Junkers, Dessau, Germany

The Technikmuseum in Dessau has a Junkers L5 engine on Display. It is partially cutted open for internal views. The engine was supplied by Bernd Junkers, the grandson of Hugo Junkers.

(, Bergfalke2)


Junkers L5
Technikmuseum Berlin, Germany

The Technikmuseum at Berlin has a Junkers L5 on Display. It is unclear, if this engine is the same as in Dessau? It is a cut model showing the inside of the engine.


Junkers L5
Deutsches Museum, Oberschleissheim, Germany

At the Flugwerft in Oberschleissheim the Deutsches Museum has a Junkers L5 on Display. It was sponsored by Peter Peschken. The restoration of the engine was performed by the "Verein zur Erhaltung der historischen Flugwerft e.V.". The engine is a cut model for inside views.


Junkers L5
Flugausstellung L+P Junior, Hermeskeil, Germany



introduced Nov 1996, transfered Aug 2017
contents last updated 15 Sep 2003